Joan Parera PhD.

Legal Advice


In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data is reflected below: the owner of this website is Joan Parera Turull with address at Pintor Torras street nº2 1º2 08224 Terrassa

Contact email


According to what is established in article 5 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, of Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) we inform you that the data that you provide us in the forms that you will find on the web and the that you send us to our email address, will be incorporated, as you give them to us, to a file named BDGACOT. registered in the Private Files Registry of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Joan Parera Turull is responsible for this file.

Your data will be used for the provision of the services that we usually • bid and to send you information about our products and offers through the email or postal address.

In all cases, the rights of consultation, access, exclusion, cancellation, installation, total or partial rectification and opposition are recognized in the terms provided in the order and, especially in the LOPD and in the LSSI. To exercise these rights you can write to Joan Parera Turull in Pintor Torras street nº2 1º2 08224 Terrassa, contact by phone 937886719. or send an email to the address, with the text "PROTECTION OF DATA "in the matter


It will be understood that the user accepts the established conditions if he presses the ’ACCEPTAR’ button that is found in all the data collection forms.

The personal data collected from our users are stored in the aforementioned Database, which guarantees the appropriate technical and structural measures to prevent the integrity and security of the personal information provided.


We inform you that the aforementioned file has a security document that complies with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulation for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, protection of personal data. (BOE No. 17 of 19/1/2008) and has established all technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data that you provide us, without prejudice to inform - that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

The processing of personal data is in accordance with the regulations established in the Organic Law 15 / 1999,13 of December, on the Protection of Personal Data (B.O.I 12/14/1999).


The user will be understood as the person who accesses and uses this website. The user accepts these conditions of use.


The publication on this website and on our blogs of contents that violate the principles listed below is prohibited, reserving the company owner of the domain to exercise as many actions as possible in law against those responsible for its publication:

to. The safeguarding of public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defense,

b. The protection of public health or of natural persons who have the status of consumers or users,

c. Respect for the dignity of the person and the principle of non-discrimination based on race, sex, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance.

d. The protection of youth and childhood.

and. Respect for the autonomy of the will of the affected

F. Respect for the intellectual • intellectual property of the published

g. In general, respect for current legislation


L’USUARI assumeix responsabilitat de l’ús del PORTAL. Questa responsabilitat s’estén to the regisistre that fora necessari per accedir to determinats serveis or continguts. The user will be responsible for providing legal information in the registration process.

L’USUARI is committed to the use of continguts and serveis (com for example, the opinions through facebook) that Joan Parera Turull offers through the websites and the content enunciated not limited, not using them for a finalitats les statements in the previous point, for more than:

to. To provoke danys in the physical physical systems of Joan Parera Turull, dels seus proveidors or of third persons, to introduce or diffuse to the xarxa virus informaàtics or qualssevol altres sistems physics or lògics that sigin susceptible to cause the danys antecedente esmentats.

second. Try to access i, if escau, use the correct compilations of the user electrodes and modify the manipulator of the missiles.

Joan Parera Turull is reserved the dret to withdraw tots aquells comments and contributions that vulnerin the respect to the dignity of the person, who continue discriminatoris, xenophobic, racistes, pornography, that atemptin against the joventut or the childhood, the order or the public seguretat or that, in seu judici, it is not without property per seva publication.

In qualsevol cas, Joan Parera Turull will not be responsible for the opinions on the user pels through the forums, xats, or altres eines of participation.


Joan Parera Turull is the owner of the intellective and industrial intellectual property rights of the seves webs, as well as of tot seu contingut, for which the whole thing reproduced, distributed and communicated total or partial of the seu contingut is expressly prohibited. ’autorització expressa by Joan Parera Turull


Joan Parera Turull is not responsible for the damages that derive from the derivations of telephone networks, disconnections in the electronic system, the presence of computer viruses, malicious programs or possible risk factors aliè to seu control. Tampoc will also be responsible for the contents or systems of third connectants with the domain of Joan Parera Turull through d’enllaços.


Joan Parera Turull will be able to modify the present conditions in qualsevol moment, sense previ avis, publicant les seves modificacions como com here appeixen. Once it has been modified, it presents you with conditions of de force to be sent vigents replaced by the modification.


The relationship between Joan Parera Turull and l’UUARI is governed by current Spanish regulations and the contested jurisdiction refers to Jutjats and courts of the city of Barcelona.